Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Big shoes to fill!

This morning JD decided to explore our closet and he emerged with a pair of his daddy's shoes. He took them to his room and began trying to put his feet in them. The first couple of times, he lost his balance and fell down, but he persevered and finally managed to get his feet into them.

Today is a very hot day, so we are planning to stay inside where it's cool. Later, I will have to go out and run errands, but I'm in no hurry to get out there and face the heat wave.

Tomorrow, JD Sr's parents will be arriving for a visit through the 4th of July, so that should be lots of fun. I probably won't get around to posting until after the 4th, but I will be sure to include some pictures of JD watching the fireworks when I do. Hopefully he will enjoy them and won't be scared of all of the loud noises!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Like Father, Like Son

There is no question about the fact that JD jr watches everything his daddy does. He won't even wear his baseball cap until he sees his daddy wearing his, and then he wants to put his on. He watches him shave and read the paper, and he even imitates his daddy's golf swing when he sees him practicing in the back yard.

It's not surprising that he feels right at home in his scrubs as much as he sees his daddy wearing his own.

He has figured out that the stethoscope has something to do with his ears. However, he places them behind his ears instead of in them. Too funny! The cutest thing though is to hear him say, "Bomp, Bomp...Bomp, Bomp" when he puts his stethoscope on. I had been making that sound the other day when pretending to listen to his heart, and he picked that up right away.

Father's Day Weekend...

We had a wonderful time celebrating Father's Day together. Although JD Sr had to work on Father's Day, he had Saturday off, so we made the most of it. JD played a round of golf Saturday morning, and after he returned, we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the pool.

JD Sr and Jr had a great time splashing each other in the water, and we even took some Father/Son pictures after we returned home. We thought it would be too cute to have both of them put their scrubs and stethoscopes on, and then I had them dress in matching outfits for another photo op.

All in all, it was a great Father's Day, and one thing that I can say for sure is that JD has his daddy wrapped around his little finger!

I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful husband who is such a terrific father to our precious baby boy!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Love of Books

JD has really begun taking a strong interest in reading books lately, and I'm so happy about that! He brings books to me all throughout the day and hands them to me saying, "Thanchoo" (Thank You). Then when I sit down in the floor to read it to him, he always wants to climb onto my lap and get all settled in before I begin. It's so cute!

The neatest thing that I've noticed him doing is this: he very accurately mimics different words that I say and sounds that I make during the story, so his vocabulary is really beginning to take off.

I was on the computer this morning, and I heard him say what sounded like the word, "Fish", so I turned to look over my shoulder to see what he was doing, and he was pointing to a fish in his book! I was truly amazed!

You will see in the pictures that he gives himself a kiss in the mirror that's in the back of his "God Made Me" book. I always end the book by saying very enthusiastically, "God Made You...God Loves YOU!" and he always leans forward into the mirror and kisses his image. I just love that!!

Just thought I'd share his most recent developments.

Be back soon!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fun in the sun

Today we ventured out to the swimming pool at Tanglewood Park, and I must say that I was quite impressed by what a nice facility it is! Not only is the pool itself very large, but the children's area is SO much fun with buckets that dump water on the children's heads and a giant mushroom that creates a continuous waterfall for the children to play in.

JD jr had a WONDERFUL time swimming around and splashing and getting a mouth full of water more than just once! JD Sr and I had a great time too, and we both agreed on the way home that it's been way too long since the last time either one of us has been swimming.

It was a gorgeous day today, so lots of people had the same idea that we had, and there was quite a crowd, but definitely not so crowded that we weren't able to enjoy ourselves.

JD was worn out by the time we left. He passed out before we could even get out of the park, and he snored the entire way home. :^)

We will definitely be making another trip back to the pool very soon!

Friday, June 09, 2006

A special guest

This morning while JD and I were out playing on the deck, I looked in the grass and saw a turtle. I decided to go and get it so that JD could enjoy having a closer look, and did he ever!

The turtle didn't seem too afraid of JD's curious poking and prodding, and just took it all in stride...a very slow stride! :^)

After about 20 minutes of JD squealing and laughing at the turtle's "peek-a-boo" antics, I decided to return him to his place in the sun.

It was a fun and out of the ordinary start to our day!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Just returned home!

Today is Thursday, June 8th, and we spent this past weekend in Gainesville, GA at JD Sr's parents' cabin at Lake Lanier. Those present during one part of the weekend or another were JD jr, Nana and Paw-Paw (JD Sr's mom and dad), Julie (JD Sr's sister) and her husband, David, my sister, Amy, her sons, Trevor (9) and Taylor (3), and me. We had a great time making homemade pizzas, playing a game called Mexican Train that none of us really knew how to play (but it was still tons of fun), swimming in the lake, playing in the sand, riding motorcycles, and just spending quality time together.

JD jr managed to make it through the weekend with no sunburn, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I basically put enough sunscreen on him to cover 5 children! Ha ha! He had so much fun splashing in the lake, and he kept sticking his entire face under the surface of the water, as you can see in the photo!

Everyone seemed to have a really nice time, and it was neat to see JD interacting with his two cousins. Unfortunately, JD Sr was unable to join us, as he had to stay behind in Winston-Salem due to his work schedule. He did manage to work in a game of golf with a good friend while we were away and he enjoyed that very much.

Well, that's all for now, but I will write again soon.

A trip to Grandaddy Steve's house

We recently took a trip to Kingston, TN for Memorial Day weekend to visit my dad (JD's Grandaddy Steve) and had a wonderful time. My dad was kind enough to keep JD for us the last night that we were there so that JD Sr and I could go out and have a MUCH needed date night. We went to the movies to see X-Men 3, and it was very good! We've enjoyed all three of the X-Men movies so far.

We thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent in TN with my dad. Our visit included a trip to the nearby lake to feed the ducks and to play on the playground. We also grilled out, drove to a neighboring town to a large outdoor flea market, JD Sr and my dad played a round of golf while we were there, and I spent some quality time with my dad sitting on the deck that he built and talking until late into the night each night.

What a great time we had, and we hope to do it again soon!

Summer is here!

What a busy, but fun, few weeks we've had! I have tried to get outdoors with JD jr as much as possible now that summer is officially here, but sometimes the heat is just too much!

We have been to the park and have spent time with friends, and we look forward to making our first trip to the pool soon. Actually, JD Sr and I are going to take JD jr to the pool this Saturday, so that should be lots of fun.

JD Sr is doing a rotation in OB at Forsythe Memorial Hospital right now, and it is his last month of his intern year!!! YIPPEEEEEEE!! This has been a very long and arduous year, to say the least, but I must say that he has been a trooper through it all. I personally would have probably thrown in the towel the first time someone told me I had to stay awake for 30+ hours, while having to be on my feet working the entire time. Sleep deprivation and I do not get along very well!

JD jr is doing great! He has recently grown so much hair, and it is SO blonde! (Mine used to be really blonde, way back when, but those days are gone and I seem to have ended up with brown hair as I have hit my late 20's.) He is so much fun for me each and every day. Today we had a hard rain come through our area, and he was on the deck playing when it arrived. I was in the kitchen, and I looked out and saw that it was pouring rain. He never even made a sound and was having a ball dancing in the water as it soaked his hair and made small pools on the deck. It's so fun to see the pleasure he takes in such simple things. He made it look like so much fun that I was on my way out the door to join him in his rain dance, but then it began to thunder, so I scooped him up and we came inside to watch the rain through the sliding glass door.

Well, that's all for this post, but there's more to come...