Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Love of Books

JD has really begun taking a strong interest in reading books lately, and I'm so happy about that! He brings books to me all throughout the day and hands them to me saying, "Thanchoo" (Thank You). Then when I sit down in the floor to read it to him, he always wants to climb onto my lap and get all settled in before I begin. It's so cute!

The neatest thing that I've noticed him doing is this: he very accurately mimics different words that I say and sounds that I make during the story, so his vocabulary is really beginning to take off.

I was on the computer this morning, and I heard him say what sounded like the word, "Fish", so I turned to look over my shoulder to see what he was doing, and he was pointing to a fish in his book! I was truly amazed!

You will see in the pictures that he gives himself a kiss in the mirror that's in the back of his "God Made Me" book. I always end the book by saying very enthusiastically, "God Made You...God Loves YOU!" and he always leans forward into the mirror and kisses his image. I just love that!!

Just thought I'd share his most recent developments.

Be back soon!


Blogger Joyce family said...

Landon loves books too. I read them all the time and he loves reading them over and over and over. Sometimes he pretends to read to me as well. It is something I hope stays with him forever.

11:11 AM  

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