Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree...

We recently attended the annual downtown Winston-Salem Christmas parade, and as always, it was very entertaining. We went with our great friends, Hank, Christy, and little Hank. It was quite cold, so we were all bundled up as we watched the spectacle of floats and marching bands and dancers. JD loved trying to collect candy from those who were giving it out, and he was mesmerized by the drummers! He and his best friend, Hank, squealed in delight as they saw Santa in the parade.

We also finally got our Christmas tree (I think it was December 5th to be exact!) JD Sr showed JD how to use his saw to trim the trunk of the tree, so JD thought that was quite a thrill. Davis even crawled over to supervise. I love it that JD Sr always takes the time to involve our kids in the details of things. It may result in things taking a little longer to accomplish, but the kids always get so much more out of those experiences.

We all decorated the tree together and were quite pleased with the finished product.


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