Monday, December 15, 2008

Disney and Sea World!

Ok, so this was an amazing trip!! The boys could not have been more well-behaved the entire time that we were away, and they did great on their very first plane ride. What a relief!!

The pictures should tell most of the story, which was - We had a BLAST! The hotel we stayed in for the first part of the week had a great pool and playground, so we tried to make the most of them. We thought that we would cook our meals at the hotel, but that didn't exactly pan out, so we ended up eating out each day (which was fine with me - we're on vacation, right?)

Although Disney was terrific, I was a little disappointed that there weren't more Disney characters walking around for the children to meet. The rides were a lot of fun, and JD jr actually rode Splash Mountain THREE a row! I could not believe he wasn't scared of that 50 ft plunge at the end, but he absolutely loved it!

Sea World was, hands down, our favorite! The shows were out of this world, and there were so many hands on things for the kids to do. JD jr's favorite was feeding and petting the sting rays. There was also the most amazing play area I've ever seen, complete with slides, a climbing net, tunnels, water squirters, etc.

Ok, a funny story: When we went to watch the Shamu show, I had the bright idea of sitting in the "soak zone" with JD jr and Davis. JD Sr sat several rows back as he had our camera and video camera to protect from the water. Well, seeing as how I had never been to Sea World, I had NO IDEA what to expect aside from getting a little wet. OH MY GOODNESS! When Shamu swam by and thrashed his tail on command, I saw a wave coming at us that looked like something on the ocean during a storm. It completely covered us, was salty and FREEZING cold! JD and Davis started SCREAMING, so I quickly grabbed them up and ran before the next wave hit. I'm sure I looked like the world's worst mother at that point!

I felt so bad for them both that I insisted we buy them an ice cream. They began devouring the ice cream, but Davis wasn't fast enough and his chocolate shell started sliding off of the ice cream and landing all over him. Did I have a change of clothes you might ask? Of course not! Oh well, we had been there all day at that point, so we were more or less ready to head back to the hotel anyway.

All I can say is thank you Disney and Sea World for having the most amazing strollers!! I don't think we could have stayed as long as we did without them!

What a wonderful family vacation that we will always remember (ok, maybe not Davis, but he can look at the pictures, right?).


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