Monday, December 15, 2008

A much needed visit from Gamma

So now that I'm through the first trimester, I am feeling MUCH better in terms of not being nauseated and exhausted every day. However, when I was in the worst of it, my mom came for a visit to help me with the boys, which was great! She fed, bathed, and played with the boys every day and changed all diapers! It was very much appreciated!! She also cleaned my kitchen every night and picked up all of the toys in the living room before going to bed. Thank you for all of your help, Mama!

One morning while she was here, I woke up early to discover that we had a very light dusting of snow on the ground. Although it wasn't much, it's always fun to be surprised by it. I hope we get another good snow this January like we did last year!

In the ultrasound photo below, notice the lower half of the baby's face below his/her arm. The tiny arm is draped across the eyes, but if you look closely, you can see the nose and mouth below the arm. My friend Christy pointed that out to me because I certainly didn't notice it the first few times I looked at it. If you click on the photo, it should open larger in another window.


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