Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer is here!

What a busy, but fun, few weeks we've had! I have tried to get outdoors with JD jr as much as possible now that summer is officially here, but sometimes the heat is just too much!

We have been to the park and have spent time with friends, and we look forward to making our first trip to the pool soon. Actually, JD Sr and I are going to take JD jr to the pool this Saturday, so that should be lots of fun.

JD Sr is doing a rotation in OB at Forsythe Memorial Hospital right now, and it is his last month of his intern year!!! YIPPEEEEEEE!! This has been a very long and arduous year, to say the least, but I must say that he has been a trooper through it all. I personally would have probably thrown in the towel the first time someone told me I had to stay awake for 30+ hours, while having to be on my feet working the entire time. Sleep deprivation and I do not get along very well!

JD jr is doing great! He has recently grown so much hair, and it is SO blonde! (Mine used to be really blonde, way back when, but those days are gone and I seem to have ended up with brown hair as I have hit my late 20's.) He is so much fun for me each and every day. Today we had a hard rain come through our area, and he was on the deck playing when it arrived. I was in the kitchen, and I looked out and saw that it was pouring rain. He never even made a sound and was having a ball dancing in the water as it soaked his hair and made small pools on the deck. It's so fun to see the pleasure he takes in such simple things. He made it look like so much fun that I was on my way out the door to join him in his rain dance, but then it began to thunder, so I scooped him up and we came inside to watch the rain through the sliding glass door.

Well, that's all for this post, but there's more to come...


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