Sunday, February 17, 2008

Unexpected Snow!

Around 7:30pm this past Wednesday night, I walked into Davis' room and saw what appeared to be a very heavy rain pouring outside the window. The closer I looked, I quickly realized that it was snow that I was seeing. It poured down for at least a couple of hours and accumulated very quickly on the ground. JD Sr was working late that night and didn't get home until 8:00pm, which is JD jr's bedtime. He called me from the hospital to tell me he was on the way home and when I told him it was snowing outside, he asked me to keep JD awake and dress him in some warm clothes so that they could play in the snow together. Davis was already in bed, so when JD Sr arrived home, the 3 of us headed outside to enjoy the snow. We threw snowballs at each other, built a snowman, showed JD how to make a snow angel, and went sledding down a huge hill in our neighborhood with our good friends, Hank, Christy, and little Hank.

JD's cheeks were so red when we finally came in for the night that it looked like he had painted them that color. Fortunately, his face returned to normal after he warmed up!

JD jr had a BLAST (actually, we all did) and the next morning after breakfast, we went right back out to play in the snow again before it all melted.

Sweet Little Davis...

Davis is changing so much every single day. He makes some of the sweetest sounds and gives the cutest grins. He isn't sleeping through the night yet, but hopefully he will achieve that skill in the near future. In the meantime, however, I seem to be surviving on the amount of sleep that I am able to get at night. At least my reason for loss of sleep is to feed and rock another precious baby boy...what better excuse could I have?

He tolerates very well the hundreds of kisses (as well as pokes and pulls) that he receives from JD throughout each day. I never have to worry that he's not getting enough physical touch as long as JD is in the room! :)

I look forward to watching him reach all of his new milestones in the coming months, as well as watching him become great friends with his big brother. JD tells me all of the time that Davis is still too little to play ball with him, so it's neat to know that that's what is on his mind.

All of the hair on the top of Davis' head fell out a couple of weeks after he was born, so he looked just like a tiny old man. Throughout this past week, his hair has started growing back and is filling in the big bald spot nicely. :)

More pictures to follow soon! I'm sure he will have changed a great deal from the ones I posted below.

JD these days...

It's hard for me to believe that JD is about to be 3 years old in a few weeks! He is such an amazing little boy with such a sweet heart and he is adjusting so well to his new role as big brother.

The pictures below are just some various moments from the past few weeks. He is still very much into music, from drums, to guitar, to piano, and even his daddy's harmonica, as you can see from the photo.

His imagination is really growing these days, and it is so fun to watch. He has always enjoyed taking baths, and now he pretends that he is a dolphin or a whale or whatever he is in the mood for on a particular night. He gets so active in the tub that I've had to start closing the curtain to keep the floor from getting completely soaked!

This week, he was invited by a friend to attend a class at The Little Gym, and he had a GREAT time! He gladly participated in everything the instructor asked the children to do, including the parallel bars!

The final picture is one that I took during JD's nap the other day. The little teddy bear that he is using as a pillow was given to him during his stay in the NICU after he was born. How time flies! He calls his teddy bear, Teddy, and it has always been his very favorite stuffed animal friend. I plan to hold onto Teddy as a keepsake after JD is all grown up. (sniff, sniff)