Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas!

This evening, we attended the annual "Advent of Advent" celebration at our church which included dinner, music sung by young children, and Christmas crafts for children of all ages. I had a wonderful time watching JD make his very first Christmas ornaments, which will certainly adorn our tree each year for many years to come. He made several visits to the manger that was placed at the front of the room, so that he could give baby Jesus some "sugar" and make sure he was adequately covered by his blanket. Too sweet!

I can't believe that Christmas is only 4 weeks away and that my due date is only 5 weeks away!! I have a feeling that the month of December will come and go in a flash!

The final picture is one that I recently took of JD taking his bath. I just can't get over how much he is growing up and how much of a little boy he is becoming. I realize more and more each day just how much of a blessing children really are, and I am so thankful that God has blessed us with such a wonderful gift. We are so excited about meeting our next little miracle soon!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Fun with Leaves

The weather this afternoon was very pleasant, in spite of the incredibly cold temperatures we've been experiencing at night. I decided to try my hand (my very non-crafty hand) at making some fall art with JD. He enjoyed collecting leaves in the backyard, and he would hold each one up and ask, "Is this a good one, Mama?" before putting it in the bag. His favorite was definitely squirting the glue all over the paper before pasting the leaves down. Now that I've got one successful amateur art project behind me, I'll be sure to do more of these with JD, as he really seemed to enjoy himself. He can't wait to show his masterpiece to his Daddy!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

We're getting closer!

I am officially 31 weeks today, and everything is still going great!! We only have 6 weeks left until they remove my stitches and only 9 weeks left until my due date! I was assured at my dr's appointment yesterday that I would not be allowed to go past my due date this time. I was induced at 41 weeks with JD. Hopefully I won't even need to be induced and will go into labor on my own, but only time will tell.

The other pictures are some that I took last week of JD after he had completely cleaned out his toy drawer downstairs and climbed inside. He likes to have me close him in the drawer and pretend that I don't know where he is. He is getting more excited each day about the upcoming arrival of his baby brother, and we are, too!

Happy Halloween!

I can't believe it's already November! We finished out the month of October by carving a jack-o-lantern, dressing JD jr up as a monkey, attending our church's annual Fall Festival, and ending Halloween night by taking a trip to the mall where all of the store's employees were giving out candy to the children! It was packed! Each time someone put something in JD's bucket, he would stop in the middle of the mall and pull out whatever it was to thoroughly examine each piece. He was thrilled when he realized that he had been given some Skittles...his new favorite candy.

The Fall Festival was also fun, and JD's favorite activities were riding the tricycles and shooting basketball. We participated in the cakewalk, and I actually won a pie. It's not often that I win anything!

Speaking of pie, I can't believe it's already time to start thinking about Thanksgiving dinner! The end of the year always comes and goes so quickly, doesn't it?