Friday, November 03, 2006

Playing in the leaves...

Yesterday afternoon, I took JD outside to play in the leaves that have accumulated in the back yard. He had fun crunching around in them, picking them up, and throwing them in the air.

I chased JD around and around the house a few times, until the chill in the air started to turn our cheeks quite rosey! Just when I decided it was probably time to go inside and warm up, JD spotted the mailman coming up the street and got oh so excited! He got the mail from the mailman, and upon realizing that we only received a single piece of mail that turned out to be just an advertisement of some sort, he was rather I'm sure you can tell from the photo. He's gotten accustomed to getting special things in the mail from his Nana, his Gamma, and his Aunt G-G and Uncle D, so an offer from a mortgage company wasn't too thrilling for him, I suppose! :^)

Today it is very cold outside, so we met some friends at the play area in the mall this morning for an hour or so and then returned home for JD's nap. He slept for 2 and 1/2 hours!

JD Sr will be home from work soon, and I'm sure he is more than ready for the weekend, and JD jr and I are more than ready to spend it with him.


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