Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treat!

Well, October is officially over, and we finished it up with some visits from trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.

JD loved running to the door each time someone rang the door bell, but as soon as he got close enough to see their strange or scary costumes, he would run away from the door just as quickly! As soon as he saw his mama offering candy to these little creatures, he realized that they weren't coming to take him away, and he would come and stand by my side to watch.

JD's friend, Hank, (the frog in the picture) is the only one who received a warm welcome from JD when he arrived, and he even came inside to play for a few minutes.

After a few trick-or-treaters, he started to notice a pattern: the children said, "Trick or Treat!" and this resulted in them receiving some candy. Upon observing this strange phenomenon, JD walked over to the candy bowl several times between visitors and said, "Trick or Treat!" to the bowl and reached in and helped himself to a piece of candy! Mama and Daddy got a good laugh out of that!


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