Monday, October 30, 2006

A Rainy Friday Morning...

Friday morning was cold and rainy, and some friends from church called to invite us to go to the Children's Museum. JD Sr had a presentation to work on for a couple of hours, so we decided he could benefit from having the house to himself while JD jr and I went to the museum.

JD had a great time, as usual, exploring all of the interesting things that the museum has to offer. I even got him to milk the giant stuffed cow (see photo)! :^)

It was very funny to see him in the pretend grocery store, pushing his cart around and picking out different foods. The first item he selected was a banana, which didn't surprise me one bit!

JD continues to baffle JD Sr and me with his ever-growing vocabulary and his counting and recognition skills. He counts from 1 to 10 with no trouble at all, and then continues into the teens, although he hasn't quite learned the correct pronunciation of those numbers yet. He ends up saying, "twelve, nineteen, nineteen, nineteen, nineteen, and twenty!" He's got nineteen down pat, so he just uses it in place of all of the other teen numbers. Ha Ha! He has also almost completely learned all seven days of the week, and loves to say, "Saturday!" with great enthusiasm. He is obsessed with the mailman coming to deliver the mail each day, so every afternoon he goes to the front door and says, "Check it!" letting me know that he would like to go out and check the mail. On Sundays, I have to explain to him that the mailman doesn't come. The other day, we were practicing our days of the week and when we got to the word, Sunday, he said, "No mailman." I could NOT believe that he was then trying to explain to me that the mailman doesn't come on Sundays!!

The most recent word that he has picked up, from listening to his mama ramble on and on, is "actually." However, he pronounces it "actuallaly". :^)

JD Sr had 5 vacation days, which began on Thursday, so our trip to the museum Friday morning kicked things off for the other fun things we did over the weekend. I will post pictures from our other adventures soon!


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