Monday, November 06, 2006

"Dot Com! Dot Com!"

It's no surprise to anyone who knows us that JD Sr and I spend a considerable amount of time on the computer; therefore, it should also be no surprise that JD jr has started to mimic our behavior at the computer desk.

His favorite television network, Noggin, has a website also, and JD loves to visit it and dance to the music and watch all of the different things it does (while I'm controlling the mouse of course!)

He has apparently been paying close attention when I say, "Would you like to go to" because now when I sit down at the computer to check my email, he shouts, "Dot Com! Dot Com!"

This evening he walked over to the computer and started pulling out the chair and saying, "Sit?". I helped him into the chair and logged on to Noggin, and he looked so scholarly sitting there pretending to type and use the mouse.

No, he will NEVER have a computer in his room, and when we move to our next home, we will be placing the computer in the family room (you just can't be too careful with kids and computers these days!). I suppose it's good that he's starting to practice his skills on the keyboard and the mouse, seeing as how he'll have more computer exposure in school than we ever did at his age!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Playing in the leaves...

Yesterday afternoon, I took JD outside to play in the leaves that have accumulated in the back yard. He had fun crunching around in them, picking them up, and throwing them in the air.

I chased JD around and around the house a few times, until the chill in the air started to turn our cheeks quite rosey! Just when I decided it was probably time to go inside and warm up, JD spotted the mailman coming up the street and got oh so excited! He got the mail from the mailman, and upon realizing that we only received a single piece of mail that turned out to be just an advertisement of some sort, he was rather I'm sure you can tell from the photo. He's gotten accustomed to getting special things in the mail from his Nana, his Gamma, and his Aunt G-G and Uncle D, so an offer from a mortgage company wasn't too thrilling for him, I suppose! :^)

Today it is very cold outside, so we met some friends at the play area in the mall this morning for an hour or so and then returned home for JD's nap. He slept for 2 and 1/2 hours!

JD Sr will be home from work soon, and I'm sure he is more than ready for the weekend, and JD jr and I are more than ready to spend it with him.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treat!

Well, October is officially over, and we finished it up with some visits from trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.

JD loved running to the door each time someone rang the door bell, but as soon as he got close enough to see their strange or scary costumes, he would run away from the door just as quickly! As soon as he saw his mama offering candy to these little creatures, he realized that they weren't coming to take him away, and he would come and stand by my side to watch.

JD's friend, Hank, (the frog in the picture) is the only one who received a warm welcome from JD when he arrived, and he even came inside to play for a few minutes.

After a few trick-or-treaters, he started to notice a pattern: the children said, "Trick or Treat!" and this resulted in them receiving some candy. Upon observing this strange phenomenon, JD walked over to the candy bowl several times between visitors and said, "Trick or Treat!" to the bowl and reached in and helped himself to a piece of candy! Mama and Daddy got a good laugh out of that!