Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My friend, Geoffrey...

JD has a favorite snuggling friend, video watching friend, and trip taking friend named Geoffrey, whom he has adored since he was just a few months old. Geoffrey is a giraffe, better known by most as the Toys-R-Us mascot, and was given to JD by my sister, JD's Aunt Amy. He loves to climb up into the recliner with Geoffery and have me put a blanket or "cubbers", as he calls it, over the two of them.

I try to limit the amount of television JD watches during the day, but when it comes to the Veggie Tales, I more or less have a "watch all you want" attitude. I love to hear those adorable vegetables quoting scripture to my baby boy as he watches them bring Bible stories to life right before his eyes. I sit down and watch them with him because they truly are hilariously entertaining videos packed with truth that I also need to be reminded of. JD calls them "Tay Vales", and any time he asks to watch them, I am happy to oblige.

The pictures are of JD and Geoffrey snuggling while watching a Veggie Tales video yesterday afternoon. They looked so sweet, and JD was so enthralled with the video that I had to grab the camera.


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