Wednesday, September 27, 2006

JD and Geoffrey having dinner

Lately, JD wants to have Geoffrey participating in whatever he's doing. This week, it happened to be dinner!

I placed Geoffrey on the kitchen table right in front of JD's chair and told JD that Geoffrey was watching him eat. He paused for a moment with a very pensive look on his face and then said, "Geoffrey eat!"

I handed Geoffrey to JD and he began to offer him a little of everything on his tray, including his cup. It was hysterical!

Between bites, JD would take Geoffrey's hands, clap them together repeatedly, and say, "Yay, Geoffrey! Clap hands!" (See photos.)

He then gave him a big hug and a kiss before dropping him on the floor and continuing eating. I guess he decided that Geoffrey had eaten enough! Ha Ha Ha!

I just LOVE this age!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My friend, Geoffrey...

JD has a favorite snuggling friend, video watching friend, and trip taking friend named Geoffrey, whom he has adored since he was just a few months old. Geoffrey is a giraffe, better known by most as the Toys-R-Us mascot, and was given to JD by my sister, JD's Aunt Amy. He loves to climb up into the recliner with Geoffery and have me put a blanket or "cubbers", as he calls it, over the two of them.

I try to limit the amount of television JD watches during the day, but when it comes to the Veggie Tales, I more or less have a "watch all you want" attitude. I love to hear those adorable vegetables quoting scripture to my baby boy as he watches them bring Bible stories to life right before his eyes. I sit down and watch them with him because they truly are hilariously entertaining videos packed with truth that I also need to be reminded of. JD calls them "Tay Vales", and any time he asks to watch them, I am happy to oblige.

The pictures are of JD and Geoffrey snuggling while watching a Veggie Tales video yesterday afternoon. They looked so sweet, and JD was so enthralled with the video that I had to grab the camera.

There's a New Sheriff in Town!

JD has really been enjoying his new police car that was recently given to him by his Nana and Paw-Paw. The ironic thing is that he enjoys walking behind it and pushing it all over the place more than actually sitting in it.

It has a real working siren, and he loves to push the button that operates the siren over and over again.

I call the last two pictures, "Should I?" and "I did it!" He was standing on a block of concrete and contemplating whether or not he should jump off of it. He decided to go for it, and he was so proud of himself when he landed on both feet. (I must tell you that he was only about 2 and 1/2 inches off the ground, but to a little guy who is just now testing out his jumping skills, it seemed quite an accomplishment!)

One Last Hoorah...

We had a very warm day this week, and I had a few Little Swimmers diapers left over from our trips to the pool this summer, so I decided to bring out the sprinkler and let JD have one last taste of summer before we officially enter into the cooler months. As soon as he saw the swimmer diapers, he immediately started squealing, "Pool!" Thankfully, he was content with what his Winnie the Pooh sprinkler had to offer!

He had a wonderful time, as he always does when there is water involved in what he's doing, and I had a great time watching him!

He's growing up so fast!

After church this Sunday, I decided to take some pictures of JD before he went down for his nap, and after I transferred them from the camera to the computer, I was absolutely blown away by how grown up he is starting to look.

He is now walking up the stairs and holding onto the wall, as opposed to crawling up the stairs on all fours. He still loves to read his books and has started pointing to them one by one and identifying them by using one or two of the words in each book's title. Amazing!

I know that before I turn around, I'll be driving him to his very first day of school, so I'm trying to relish every single moment that he's still at home with me all day.

Sweet Moments...

Some of my favorite moments of the day are those immediately following JD jr's bathtime, when he smells so clean and couldn't be cuter in his little pajamas, and he is OH so snuggly!

He gives me more hugs during the day than I could possibly deserve, but I accept them with much thanks. There are times when he will literally come running into the kitchen from the other room calling "Hug! Hug!" as he is coming to find me. He delivers his hug and then runs off to play again. I just love that!

When we tell him that we love him, he replies with, "I You." Even though he leaves out the word "love" from the phrase, it's the sweetest sound in the world to us because we know exactly what he means with just two little pronouns.

I'll never know what we did to deserve such a loving, cuddly little boy!

Jr Yellow Jacket's Very First Game!

We took JD jr to his first official Georgia Tech football game this past weekend, and he had a great time! I was amazed by how well he tolerated all of the noise and crowds and heat and the lack of opportunity to be able to just run around and play, but he was a real trooper throughout the entire game.

He got the chance to meet "Buzz", the mascot, but he was rather frightened by that encounter, as he clung to his Aunt Ju-C (or G-G as he calls her) and would not allow her to put him down as long as that giant yellow jacket was anywhere in sight.

As you can see from the pictures, he was not thrilled about the fuzzy yellow wig we placed on his head while browsing around the Ga Tech bookstore. The picture of him sleeping was actually taken on the way to the game, not afterward, which is when you would think he would have been the most exhausted. Go figure!

JD Sr is already making plans to take him to another game as soon as we're able! He has been planning the "first game" trip since we first found out we were pregnant with JD jr! Ha Ha! No, seriously!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Fun with friends...

We had the priviledge of taking care of some friends' two precious little girls last week. JD had a blast playing with them and and just acting silly. It was a real treat for me to watch the three of them interact with one another, so I of course had to take some pictures of the action.

JD was so exhausted by the end of the evening that he slept until 10:00 a.m. the next day. He is normally awake by 7:30 each morning, if that gives you any indication of how tired he was!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fall is in the air!

Summer is coming to an end, and I am all too excited for the fall! That is my FAVORITE time of year! JD Sr is still plugging away at the hospital, and I must say that this year is SO much better than his first year with regard to his schedule. I do believe that he would agree with that statement without hesitation.

JD jr continues to amaze us with his vocabulary as he will literally say any word that you ask him to, and he has recently begun singing parts of songs that I have been singing to him since he was a baby. He has been a little slow in getting his teeth, and he is just now getting his 8th tooth. I'm hoping that with his new set of choppers, he will be more open to the idea of eating meat because as of now, he wants nothing to do with meat of any kind. Thank goodness he loves eggs and peanut butter because at least he's getting some protein from somewhere.

The pictures are from his bath the other night. A very good friend of mine gave him a glow stick, and he was having a ball playing with it in the bathtub. He's looking more and more grown up every day. The other picture is from the Winston-Salem Children's Museum. He and his good friend, Hank, had a great time in the fishing boat at the museum. I love to watch the two of them play together. They first met when JD was only 5 months old and Hank was around 3 months old, so they've practically been friends for as long as they can remember.