Saturday, August 26, 2006

I almost checked his pulse!

This Thursday, we had a very busy day going from here to there and back again. JD only managed to get one nap in the morning, and it was less than an hour long, which is short for his usual nap time.

By the time evening arrived, he was completely exhausted. His eyes were so red and he was walking around in a daze. I put him in his chair and fixed him something for dinner. He began eating, so I ran upstairs to send a quick email, and when I returned no more than 2 minutes later, I found him passed out! I began laughing hysterically, and even though he was asleep, he could hear my laughter and began grinning and chuckling but never opened his eyes. Then I began to laugh even harder, and so did he! I wish I had had my video camera to capture the whole thing, but I grabbed my camera instead and snapped a couple of pictures of him sleeping. I hated to wake him up, but as you can see, he desperately needed a bath after his spaghetti dinner! I have definitely had days when I was just as tired as he was, so I think I found it so funny because I could totally relate!

Something to do on Saturday...

These pictures are from last Saturday, 8/19, when we spent most of the morning at the mall. JD jr enjoys walking along beside us like a "big boy" when we go to the mall, and he loves riding the elevator (probably because we let him push the buttons) and the carousel, and playing in the play area. This time, we let him look around the toy store, and he was mesmerized by the shelves full of toys. I must say, he did very well and didn't try to take anything off of the shelves. He was content just to look at everything. I was pleased, however, that this particular toy store provides toys for children to try out, so as you can see in the pictures, he took advantage of those. I was amazed the other day when we rode past the mall and he looked out the window of the car and began shouting, "Mall! Mall!" He actually recognized the mall from a distance. Do we spend too much time there?

Friday, August 18, 2006

One sleepy little guy!

Can you tell that JD was ready for bed on this particular evening? He missed his afternoon nap, so by the time he ate dinner and had his bath, he was wiped out. I got him out of the bathtub, and wrapped his towel around him. I left the room for just a minute to go get his pajamas, and when I returned, this is how I found him. I cracked up laughing and grabbed the camera. He turned his eyes up toward me and said, "Night Night." Too sweet! I snuck in his room later and took a couple of pictures of him sleeping. Sleeping babies just look so peaceful, don't they?

So full of life...

As JD approaches 18 mos old, he is becoming so silly and funny with a great sense of humor. His little personality is really beginning to come out, and I just love to see more of it every day. Along with that comes a longing for a little more independence on his part, as evidenced by the fact that he isn't always up for holding Mama or Daddy's hand in public when we ask him to, but we're working on that. He would much rather run a few steps ahead of us saying, "Hey!" to everyone he passes!

He's just as great a blessing to us now as he was from the start, and we are so thankful for him and the sweet little boy that he is turning out to be.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

After all this time...

We bought JD a pair of sunglasses when he was just a few months old. At that time, he tolerated them fairly well until he figured out how to pull them off. After that, he wanted nothing to do with them. Now all of a sudden, he loves to wear them and brings them to me to help him with putting them on.

He has also taken to playing daredevil on his rocking Harley Davidson! Boy are we in trouble when he starts riding a bike (BICYCLE, that is...he will not be riding or owning a motorcycle until he is fully grown and no longer living under our roof). The mama has spoken!