Wednesday, April 26, 2006

We're still here...

Ok, so I haven't posted in over a week now, and that's because we've been busy! JD Sr. celebrated his 29th birthday last week...on April 18th to be exact. We had a nice time as we went out to dinner and to the mall after he got home from work. I baked a cake for him and was brave enough to put 29 candles on it for him to blow out when he walked in the door (see picture).

JD jr continues to do more new things every day. From his animal sounds, to his ability to point to his tongue, teeth, and ears on command, to his practicing of saying his own name, and finally, to "talking" on the phone, he truly is growing and developing faster than we can keep up with. He is still as great a joy now as he was the day he first entered our lives, and we love him more and more with each passing day.

I continue to love motherhood and am enjoying the new friendships that I have made here so much! The girls in my Sunday school class and Tuesday morning Bible study are all truly a gift from God, as they are so much fun to be around and are such an encouragement and inspiration to me every time I'm with them.

We look forward to the summer months (but not the heat) as I plan to spend a great deal of time at the local pool with JD. He absolutely loves to play in the water, so it will be a real treat to see him in the pool with other children. I recently purchased a tank-top intertube for him to wear as he learns to swim. I will have to lather on the sunscreen because he definitely inherited my pale complexion...poor little guy!

The weather here today is very cool, and the sky is overcast, as a result of the storms we had come through the past couple of days. I think the high today is only going to be around 60 degrees and will continue that pattern until Sunday.

Well, I'm off to do some housework while JD jr is taking his nap, but I'll be back again soon!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A very good Good Friday

John David had the day off yesterday, if you can believe that, so we decided to grab some lunch and have a picnic on top of Pilot Mountain, which is a beautiful place only 30 minutes from Winston-Salem. We walked some trails and saw some amazing views of the farmland that surrounds the base of the mountain. After we returned to Winston-Salem, we went to Wake Forest University's campus and let JD jr run around in the huge grassy quad with his shoes off. He was exhausted to say the least after all of the time spent outdoors in the sun. We finished our day by having dinner with some good friends. It was a really fun day, and a great way to start the Easter weekend.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Fun Day

Our church, First Baptist Church on Fifth, had a children's Easter celebration this past Sunday afternoon, to include an Easter egg hunt, a petting zoo, face painting, and other fun activities. Fortunately JD Sr had the day off, so the three of us were able to go and have a wonderful time together. As you can see in the photo, JD jr had quite a memorable afternoon as he took his very first pony ride!

Today is Tuesday, April 11th, and JD jr and I had a wonderful day playing outdoors and enjoying the gorgeous weather we're having. We started our day with a playdate at a friend's house. There were several other children there of all different ages and sizes, and it was a lot of fun seeing them all run around in the yard kicking balls, riding on toy cars and bikes, and swinging.

After we returned home and JD took a 2 hour nap, we spent the rest of the day playing on the deck and reading books. JD is just such a joy for us!

JD Sr is spending the night at the hospital tonight and will return home around 12:oopm DOES he do it?

Well, I'm signing off and heading to bed, but I'll be back before you know it!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I have just returned from my Tuesday morning Bible study with a wonderful group of ladies that I enjoy so much!! JD jr was so sleepy when I picked him up from the nursery after my study was over...he fell asleep on the way home and is now sound asleep in his bed. I think he's still trying to adjust to the time change, as am I.

JD Sr has not returned home from work as of is 11:45am, and he has been at the hospital since 7:30am yesterday morning!

After all of the rain we had here yesterday, the day is cold and windy but supposed to warm up again by tomorrow. Well, that's all for now, but I'll be back again soon....

Monday, April 03, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Today is Monday, April 3rd and after 2 years of neglecting to post on my blog, I decided to "dust it off" and spruce it up and begin using it again. I figure this will be a good way to keep everyone up to date on what we have going on here in Winston-Salem with posts and pics.

JD Sr started his new rotation for the month of April in the ICU this morning. It's going to be a challenging month to say the least, but the upside is that each month seems to go by pretty quickly.

I am taking advantage of a rainy Monday to get some housework done, and JD jr is running from room to room squealing and "speaking" in a language that sounds remarkably similar to Japanese as I write this. I will have to get his new language on tape because it sounds hilarious, and the speed at which he uses it is even funnier!

Well, this is the first post of my revamped blog, so I hope you've enjoyed it and I will post again soon. Check back for more updates as often as you'd like!

We love all of you!

Jackie and JD x 2