Sunday, October 12, 2008

An excuse to get creative...

Ok, so the leaves in the backyard have been calling my name and saying, "Please come and make something out of us!" Due to my lack of creativity, I have been ignoring their plea until the other day when we were outside playing on the swingset and I saw a leaf that was so beautiful (bright red and shaped like a star), so I just had to come up with something to do with them.

JD likes to pretend he's the king of his clubhouse, so I decided to make a crown for him. He helped me to gather leaves and cut all of the stems off of the leaves by himself. We then worked on his crown together, and when it was finished, he loved it and wore it with pride. It may not have been the most impressive fall project, but it was fun nonetheless.

Davis was all too interested in what we were doing with our big bag of leaves, and he simply wanted to dig in and eat a fist full of leaves. I had to block him at one point from crawling over to where JD was cutting paper and leaves on the kitchen floor, and he gave me a look of genuine frustration which I captured below. He is too funny!

Our next photos will be from our trip to Disney and Sea World, so stay tuned!


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