Thursday, September 25, 2008

Open Wide!

JD had his very first dentist appointment this morning, and let me just tell you that he was treated like a celebrity! What a great dentist's office!! All of the staff just loved him and even made special visits to the exam room to say hello to him. After he was finished with his check-up, he got to pick a toy from the prize box, and of course he picked a ball! He was then given 3 free passes to play putt-putt golf, and finally they took his picture to send home with us and had the dentist sign it.

He loved the special sunglasses that they gave him so that the dentist's light wouldn't be too bright in his eyes during the exam.

He will be going back for his first cleaning soon, so today was just a "happy" visit as they call it at his dentist's office. He was a little too nervous to have the cleaning done today. As soon as she started showing him "Mr. Thirsty" and her other cleaning instruments, he suddenly started asking, "Are you going to hurt me?" The hygenist assured him that she wouldn't, but she could see that he was not quite ready, so we decided to postpone the cleaning.

He had a great first experience though, so hopefully when we return for the cleaning, he'll be more at ease.

I am happy to report that he has perfectly healthy teeth! :)

Go Jackets!

The 3 Hall boys spent this past Saturday pulling for Georgia Tech. I must admit that they looked pretty cute in their Tech attire. Davis even got to have a little bit of the crust and cheese from the pepperoni pizza that JD Sr and Jr shared for lunch. It was truly a guys' afternoon! :)

Just Some Sweet Davis Pics...

We Love You Sugar Bear!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hall Happenings...

Davis is getting so big, so fast! His newest favorite is Goldfish crackers. Although he only has 2 teeth on the bottom, he still manages to crunch them between his teeth and top gums. JD loves it that they can share the same snack now.

Davis also loves watching Noggin with his big brother, and he can't get enough of JD's silly behavior. In the picture of him laughing, he is actually laughing at what JD was doing with his shirt and the crazy glasses. Of course JD loves it because he lives to perform!

Davis is also now able to recognize familiar faces in photos, and when he sees a picture of JD Sr, he begins grinning and saying, "Da da da da da da". So amazing how fast they learn before they're even a year old! He is also saying, "Mama", now, and of course I love it!

In just a few weeks, we are heading to DISNEY WORLD!! I could not be more excited! JD Sr and I are taking both of the boys on their first plane ride and their first trip to Disney. We will be sure to post pictures of our adventure after we return.

Time for School!

JD has officially started preschool and absolutely LOVES it!! He goes 3 days a week and has not had to do any adjusting at all. You would think he's been in school for a couple of years now! His school is terrific! I love all of the staff, and he has a wonderful teacher. He has a movement class on Mondays, chapel on Wednesdays, and a music class on Fridays. He also has a 30 minute Spanish lesson on Mondays. He will get to go on a handful of field trips this year, and each month, the school is visited by a creature teacher who brings in an animal for the children to see.

I love all of the things that he comes home and tells me about, and of course I have saved every little piece of artwork that has come home in his bag...I just can't bring myself to get rid of any of it! I'll probably have to invest in a multi-drawer file cabinet just for my children's school years!

Enjoy the pics of JD's first day of school. He made a welcome sign on his first day, which now adorns our front door. He is so proud to see it hanging there, and we're so proud of our big boy!

A new little cousin...Susannah Smoak!

We recently had the great joy of welcoming Susannah Smoak to the world! Yes, JD Sr's baby sister is now a Mama, and a very good one, in my own personal opinion. Susannah weighed in at 8 lbs, 3 oz and was 21 in long. She is beautiful! After she arrived, JD said, "Mama, I think I love Susannah." He thinks! :) In the pic of JD, Davis, and Susannah, do you think Davis is reminiscing about his days as the new baby in the family? Ha ha!

Congratulations, David and Julie!