Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Davis is growing fast!

Davis is now almost 3 months old, which is so hard to believe! He is doing so well at night, waking up only once and usually going for about a 6 hour stretch. The day he turned 10 weeks old, he slept for 8 hours, which was great! He went back to waking up in the middle of the night the very next night, but he's still doing better than I could have hoped for at this age. At his 2 month checkup, he weighed 13 lbs and was 25 inches long! He's going to be a big guy! He is laughing and smiling all of the time, and LOVES to be talked to. He will gaze into your eyes and look at you as if listening so intently to everything you say. He is also making all kinds of verbal sounds, so I have a feeling that he will be an early talker just like his big brother. He's beginning to show signs of rolling over. He digs his feet into the bed or floor and pushes hard while rocking the top part of his body from left to right. I can still remember JD doing the same thing just before learning to roll over. He is such a sweetheart and we are all enjoying him so much!


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