Sunday, January 06, 2008

Anderson Davis Hall

Our little Davis, which means "Beloved" in Hebrew, has arrived!! Davis entered the world on January 3rd at 6:24 pm weighing 8 lbs and 4 oz and measuring 23 inches in length.

My labor and delivery was SO much quicker and easier than it was with JD, so thank you so much to all of you who prayed specifically for things to work out that way! I labored for about 5 and 1/2 hours and pushed for about 45 minutes before getting to hold my little miracle.

Everything went so smoothly that we actually ended up coming home from the hospital the very next day. We were ready to get home with our newest little bundle of joy and spend the night in our own beds!

JD jr's interaction with his new baby brother is so fun to watch. Any time Davis cries, JD runs over and says, "It's ok, Davis. I'm your BIG brother!" He kisses his face and tells him that he loves him all throughout the day.

JD Sr and I love getting to experience these newborn days all over again. I know that they will fly by just as quickly as they did with JD jr, so we are savoring them as much as we can.

Just as we suspected from the almost identical ultrasound pictures of JD and Davis, they look JUST alike! Of course that could all change once Davis' face begins to mature, but for now, the similarities are remarkable!

Enjoy the pictures, and we will post again as soon as we can. Thank you again for all of your prayers for us!


JD Sr, Jackie, JD jr, and Davis


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