Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Morning

I can't believe Christmas is already over! We had a wonderful time celebrating this special day and watching JD beam with excitement as he came downstairs and discovered the gifts he had received. He has been very busy trying out all of his new toys and games in the days following Christmas, which has been very nice as I am still carrying out some very last minute tasks around the house to prepare for Davis' arrival. JD did get his "red fish" that he has asked for since the middle of the summer when he saw some Beta fish in the store one day. A funny story: I asked him a couple of days ago, "What is your fish doing?" JD replied, "He's just swimming on top of his Christmas tree." At the time, the fish was hovering just above one of the little green trees in his tank, and I thought that was so cute that JD decided that it was a Christmas tree for the fish. :^)

As of today (Monday), I am on track to be induced this Thursday, January 3rd, which is my official due date. Although I would have loved to have gone into labor on my own, we are just so thrilled that the day is almost here to meet our newest little man!

I have to take a moment to acknowledge my sweet husband in this post, as he has been so thoughtful and helpful and selfless as we have been getting closer to the big day. In addition to working all day, usually leaving the house by 5:30 am, he comes home and helps out with housework, allows me to take naps, plays with JD and takes him places so that I can have some time alone to get things accomplished, and he has endured my hormonal ups and downs like a trooper! Not that he isn't a wonderful husband all of the time, but it's times like these that really make a lasting mark on a woman's heart! Thank you John David!

Well, we hope that everyone had a truly blessed Christmas and that you are all looking forward to starting a new year.

Baby pics to follow after Thursday! Please pray for a safe and smooth delivery and a healthy baby!


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