Monday, January 21, 2008

The first couple of weeks...

Davis is now 2 and 1/2 weeks old and is still doing great! Aside from being slightly jaundiced for the first few days of life, he is growing and changing a mile a minute. It's literally as if he looks a little different every morning.

JD continues to enjoy his role as big brother and is already very protective of Davis. It's so sweet to watch the two of them together, and I know that their relationship will continue to grow over the years (between tattle telling and fighting over toys, of course!) :^)

Although my work load has definitely doubled, having another child to love is such a blessing. We thank God that he is in our family and is healthy and happy.

Enjoy the photos...more to come soon. Notice the picture in which JD is playing peekaboo with Davis while Davis is sound asleep...too funny!


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