Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holiday Fun with Friends

My dear friend, Christy, who is immensely more creative than I am, invited JD jr and me to come over and try our hand at decorating a gingerbread train with her and Hank jr. The two boys remained interested for about 10 or 15 minutes and then wanted to leave the table to play with toys. Ultimately, they ended up in the back yard jumping in a giant leaf pile with Hank Sr supervising. Boys will be boys! Christy and I stayed committed until we finished our projects and had quite a bit of fun doing so. Christy even went a step further and made a gingerbread house to go along with her train (see photo below).

The boys also recently got together to make Christmas cookies, and by the looks of the pictures, I'm surprised that there was any dough left to go into the oven after they finished with their sampling! :^)

I am so thankful for the great friendships that God has blessed us with!


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