Monday, February 19, 2007

D.C. Trip - Seeing the Sights

Although it was quite cold and windy, we bundled up in several layers of clothing and ventured out to explore the downtown D.C. area, which turned out to be such an enjoyable experience. As you can see in the photos, snow was everywhere and all of the ponds and pools, including the reflecting pool in front of the Washington Monument, were frozen solid! We waited until after the sun had set to visit the Lincoln Memorial, which was a spectacular sight! I never realized the enormity of his statue until I was standing at the foot of it. We also made a stop by the Vietnam Veterans' Wall and the list of names displayed was overwhelming. We stopped to have our picture made in front of the Capitol and the Washington Monument (that's JD jr behind the plastic windshield that covered his stroller each time we were outdoors - it was a great investment as it kept him completely protected from the sharp wind.)

Daddy - JD Sr posed in front of that particular ATM just for you (note the name on it). We couldn't resist after your reference to National Lampoon's Vacation as we were driving to D.C. Ha Ha!

A couple of JD jr's favorite things while out and about in D.C. were riding the Metro and feeding a large flock of pigeons that we encountered on the sidewalk. He got so excited every time the train arrived and would say, "Chooo Choooooo!" and he was thrilled to have so many birds flapping around right at his feet.

We had a WONDERFUL time on our trip and look forward to our next family vacation. If you've never been to Washington D.C. (this was my first time visiting), I highly recommend it!! Because all of the museums and monuments are free of charge, the entire adventure is very affordable. Actually, we didn't even get to see all that there was to see in the 5 days that we were there!

In closing, I would like to say Thank You and I Love You to my wonderful, loving and hardworking husband for all that you are and for all that you do!


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