Monday, February 19, 2007

D.C. Trip - In the Museums: Part II

The pictures shown here are those from our trip to the Museum of Natural History and Ford's Theater. Some of the things in the pictures, besides the obvious dinosaurs (notice the T. Rex towering over JD Sr and jr), are the coat and hat that Abraham Lincoln was wearing the night of his assassination, and the pistol that was used to kill him. Encased in the gold frame are mementos of Abraham Lincoln which include a lock of his hair, a trimming of the blood stained dress that Mrs. Lincoln was wearing on the night of her husband's assassination, a portion of the cuff of the shirt in which Lincoln died, and a tassel from his coffin. We also ventured across the street from the Ford Theater and entered the house to which Lincoln was taken after he was shot. We stood in the same bedroom in which he died early the next morning. This was a truly fascinating part of our trip, as well as of our country's history!


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