Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nana and Paw-Paw came to visit...

...and brought JD some "big boy" furniture! The furniture that they brought actually belonged to JD Sr when he was a little boy, so it's really neat to see it in JD jr's room now. We had a very nice time visiting with JD's Nana and Paw-Paw and made a trip to the mall to ride the carousel and then out to dinner to our favorite Japanese steakhouse. Yum Yum! JD Sr and I also had a date night while they were here, which was great!

JD also enjoyed "playing with" (another way of saying "harassing") our former* dog, America. *America has been officially adopted by Nana and Paw-Paw, who take very good care of her. JD got a toy shopping cart for Christmas this year, and one of his favorite "games" to play with America involved running toward her at full speed while pushing the shopping cart. Fortunately she's plenty smart enough to get out of his way. Boys will be boys!


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