Thursday, February 01, 2007

It Snowed AGAIN!

We woke up for the second time this month to a covering of beautiful snow! I fed JD a big breakfast of pancakes, bundled him up in his snow suit, and we headed out to play in the snow. This time he was much more enthused than before, and I realize now that it's because he actually stuck his hands in the snow a couple of weeks ago which led him to fuss and cry until we had to just call it a morning. This time he kept his hands dry by keeping them out of the snow and we were able to stay outside much longer.

He was fascinated by seeing me write his name in the snow on our driveway. He ran down the hill in our backyard over and over again and squealed, "Wheeeeee!" as he picked up speed.

Unfortunately, JD Sr is working today, so he can't be home to enjoy the snow with us. He actually took an overnight bag to the hospital with him this morning just in case the roads are too dangerous for him to drive home this evening. very bizarre and off-topic addition to this 5:00 this morning, I was downstairs making breakfast for JD Sr and opened the front door to discover SEVEN deer eating the grass in our neighbor's front yard! I was completely shocked! We tried to take a picture, but it was far too dark for the image to show up and we couldn't get any closer without scaring them away. They eventually darted off into the woods surrounding our neighborhood, but it was quite an unexpected sight to see.


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