Thursday, February 01, 2007

First Night in the Big Boy Bed!

JD Sr got JD ready for bed last night so that I could get to the store and back before the winter weather arrived. To my surprise when I returned home, JD Sr told me that he read a bedtime story to JD just before tucking him into his big boy bed! I had to go in and see for myself, and sure enough, JD was snoring away in his new bed. I couldn't believe it! We obviously HAD to take pictures of this huge milestone, so we tiptoed into his room and got some great shots without him ever knowing we were there.

JD put him to bed at 7:30pm, and he woke up crying at 4:00am. I suppose 8 and 1/2 hours isn't too bad for his very first night out of his crib. I went into his room when I heard him crying at 4:00, and he was just standing in the dark in the middle of his room. I decided to put him in his crib where he slept until 7:30am. We plan to continue with the transitioning from this point forward, and we are just so thankful that the first night went as smoothly as it did! I can only hope that potty training goes this well also! :^)


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