Saturday, February 03, 2007

Night #2...

JD is doing great in his big boy bed for the 2nd night so far. He went to bed at 7:30pm and has been asleep for about 3 and 1/2 hours now, so I'm hoping he'll stay asleep until his normal waking time of 7:30am. We'll be getting up pretty early for church in the morning, so hopefully we'll all have a restful night. I'm so relieved that we've had success so far, and I just hope it continues!

If you're wondering if I'm going to post pictures of him sleeping in his bed every night until he graduates from high school, don't worry...I won't. I'm not going to try to produce my own version of "The Truman Show" by sharing every waking and sleeping moment of JD's life. Ha Ha!! :^)


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