Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Celebration at Church

This past Sunday, we had the children's Easter celebration at church, which included an Easter egg hunt, arts and crafts, songs and stories, and giant inflatable slides and jumping beds. We had a wonderful time and ended the event with dinner. Davis obviously didn't get to participate in anything, but he was perfectly content to be held and doted on by members of our church family.

This weekend, we plan to decorate Easter eggs and spend a quiet weekend at home. JD Sr seems to be coming down with something, so we hope to be able to make it to church on Sunday.

Happy Easter to everyone!

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:6

Our sweet JD is officially 3

Our first baby boy turned 3 years old this past Saturday! I asked him how he wanted to celebrate his birthday, and he said that he wanted to go to the park and have a picnic. We started the day with birthday pancakes followed by a trip to the mall for birthday portraits. When we left the mall, the temperature had dropped and it looked as though it could start raining any moment, so we decided to have our picnic on our deck. It was a very relaxing way to spend the afternoon, and JD really seemed to enjoy it. We had all of his favorite foods - grapes, string cheese, grilled chicken strips and juice boxes. Oh, and of course, cupcakes complete with sprinkles! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Our precious boy

Here are some recent pictures of JD jr. I can't believe how much he is growing up! The very first photo is the one that was used for his birthday announcement in the Americus newspaper. The second picture is one that I recently took of him and Davis when they were completely engrossed in a Veggie Tales video. JD asked me if he could watch the video in my bed, and after I put the DVD in, he asked if Davis could come sit beside him to watch the video. I thought that was sweet enough to warrant a picture.

I recently enrolled JD in a class at The Little Gym. He goes every week and absolutely loves it! They really do a lot with the children, from balance beams to somersaults to the parallel bars. I look forward to getting to watch him in action every Wednesday morning.

The final pictures are from our recent trip to Georgia. JD had lots of fun at his Nana and Paw-Paw's house. He even got to play with some toys that JD Sr used to play with when he was a little boy!

JD's 3rd Birthday Party

The weekend before JD's actual birthday, we made a trip to Americus, GA to have a family birthday party for him. He had a Spiderman party complete with a Spiderman cake, masks, and decorations that his Nana provided. When JD Sr turned 3 years old 28 years ago, he also had a Spiderman party, and a picture from that event decorated JD jr's birthday table (see the 5th photo down). We had originally planned to have the party outdoors at JD's Nana and Paw-Paw's house, but would you believe that we woke up to snow flurries the morning of his party. Yes, that's right! It was snowing in south Georgia! Due to the frigid weather, we ended up having his party at his Nana and Paw-Paw's church, which turned out to be a great alternative. JD and his cousins enjoyed wrestling with each other, trying out JD's birthday presents and spending time on the church playground, and even some of the adults took part in a game of dodge ball. We had a wonderful time celebrating and spending time with family.