Monday, October 29, 2007

A recent visit to Georgia...

...for JD Sr and jr that is! I was forbidden by my OB to take the trip, so I stayed behind in NC while my two boys ventured off to the Georgia Tech Homecoming game. It was extremely difficult to see them leave, but thanks to some wonderful friends who invited me over for dinner each night that I was alone, the time passed quickly. I was also able to get a ton of things accomplished around the house, including getting Davis' room ready for the baby furniture to come down from the attic.

The boys had a great time visiting with Nana, Paw-Paw, G-G, Uncle D, and Aunt Mamie. JD even got to take a ride on his Paw-Paw's Harley! JD is still talking about going to Buzz's house, which is where he thought he was once he was inside the GA Tech stadium and got to have his picture taken with him. I was disappointed that I had to miss out on the trip, but we definitely didn't want to risk anything happening with the pregnancy while being 5 hours from home.

We are finally in the single digit weekly countdown to Davis' arrival, and everything is still going great! Davis moves so much and uses such strength in his movements that I feel like he is going to just burst right through my skin at times. I can feel his tiny little rear-end when I rub the top part of my belly, and I know right where his feet are as they seem to be in constant motion! I will post another belly pic soon.

Enjoy the pics!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A sneak peek at Davis!

We went for our 3D ultrasound of Davis this morning, and it was truly amazing! We were blown away by how similar Davis and JD look in utero! Their cheeks and chins and noses are virtually identical.

Notice how meaty his little thighs are! The ultrasonographer said that he is going to have very long legs, as his femur is already measuring within 6 days of his due date, which is still 10 weeks away!! Maybe we'll have a basketball player in the family?

We saw him yawn and smack his little lips, and he was opening his eyes and looking around during the scan.

His little feet are crossed at the ankles, which is how JD kept his legs the entire time, too. He is also head down, so that's great news!

We could not be more excited about his upcoming arrival!! You can click on the individual images to see them in a larger view. Enjoy!