Saturday, March 17, 2007

Birthday Afternoon!

After JD's nap (yes, even birthday boys have to take a nap!), he sat on the floor in his mama and daddy's room and read the "Hello Buzz!" book that JD Sr gave him for his birthday. It's a children's book about the Georgia Tech mascot's adventures at Georgia Tech. JD is enjoying his new book very much!

JD Sr was able to leave work a little early on JD's birthday, so we decided to return to the mall and ride the carousel. Upon first arriving, they were STILL closed, so we treated JD to some M&M's and let him visit the virtual FX area in the mall where he waited patiently with a chocolate covered mouth for the snow and bubbles to fall all around him. Just when we were getting ready to head home for dinner, the carousel was open and JD got to take a ride after all.

I asked him to tell me what he wanted for his birthday dinner, and without hesitating for a moment, said, "Macaroni and Cheese!" (no surprise there!) After dinner, he was allowed to stay up a little past his bedtime so that he could have some strawberry cheesecake (another of his favorites) and then it was upstairs to bed for the birthday boy.

We had a great day and are looking forward to his party with family and friends in a couple of weeks!

Birthday Morning!

JD's 2nd birthday has finally arrived (3/15) to be exact, and we started the day with some birthday pancakes and an early morning singing of "Happy Birthday". He blew out his candles on the second try and clapped for himself upon success. I asked, "How old are you today, JD?" and he said, "I'm two!" while holding up his two fingers (see photo).

After breakfast, we got ready to go have his birthday pictures made and while at the mall, he rode in one of the coin-operated cars and played in the children's area. We tried to ride the carousel, but they were closed for repairs and would reopen in the afternoon.

When we returned home, JD played in the front yard for a while as it was an absolutely gorgeous day!

JD received several birthday phone calls from family throughout the day, and he was thrilled with each and every one.

One proud mom of an almost 2 year old!

There are only a handful of days remaining until JD's 2nd birthday, and I am still in disbelief or denial or shock or maybe a combination of all three. The past two years have been all that I could have asked for and more with our sweet baby boy who is now very much a little boy.

We truly can't imagine life without him and are so thankful that God blessed us to be his parents.

We have a busy week leading up to his birthday with a haircut, birthday pictures, and a doctor's appointment (just to name a few of the many things I need to accomplish between now and then).

Notice his hair in these pictures -- he really needs a trim!

I will post pictures from his birthday soon enough.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Recent, Random Photos...

Here are a handful of pictures that I've recently taken of JD in his daily endeavors. He has really taken an interest in drawing lately, so he loves to sit at the table with a pencil and notepad and create masterpieces. I must say that he makes some of the best scribble marks I've ever seen! Ha Ha! :^) And, yes, he is definitely a southpaw!

He recently found our portable MP3 player in the desk drawer, so I decided to load it with some of his favorite music (Dora the Explorer theme song, some bluegrass, etc.) and let him wear it on his arm. His eyes widened with excitement the first time he put the earphones in his ears and heard music playing. He then began to dance, so of course I had to grab the camera.

He will be turning 2 in just a couple of weeks, which is so hard for me to believe! We are looking forward to the spring when we can spend most every day at the park or the pool and enjoy the warm weather!

My favorite photo in this set is the very last one where he is looking up at me from his drawing as if to say, "Do you mind? I'm trying to draw here!" I know that he must feel like I'm obsessed with taking his picture sometimes, but what can I say?