Saturday, January 20, 2007

Our handsome little man

On Friday evening, we went to our church for a special service to dedicate our newly renovated sanctuary. It was a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for worship as we prayed over the sanctuary and for all who would enter it. We also wrote scripture and prayers on the wooden floors which will soon be covered with carpet. JD looked so handsome and was on his best behavior throughout the service. I took these pictures in the driveway just before we left for church and JD was hamming it up for the camera.

It Snowed!

We woke up the other morning to a nice covering of snow - 1/2 an inch was the final measurement - and it was so pretty to see. We dressed JD in his snowsuit and went out to play in the snow. JD was having fun until his hands got very cold and turned bright red at which time he began crying to go back inside to warm up. The picture of JD and me was the last one that we were able to take, as you can see from his tears in the picture that he had gotten his fill of the cold.

The snow stuck around until later that evening, and there were still a few patches here and there the next morning. JD looked out the window a few times throughout the day and saw that JD Sr's car was covered in snow to which he exclaimed, "Bubbles!" It's so funny to get a glimpse of how they see the world!

A Trip to Grandaddy's House

We recently took a trip to Tennessee to visit JD's Grandaddy (my dad) and had a great time. It was a very relaxing time as we grilled out, visited the park, fed the ducks, browsed around a couple of stores, visited my dad's store, and enjoyed some unusually warm weather for the month of January.

JD's favorite thing was playing with his Grandaddy's putting green, picking out a sucker at his Grandaddy's store (two days in a row I might add!) and going down the slide at the park over and over again.

It was very nice to have a change of scenery for a couple of days, and it's always nice to spend some time with the ones you love.

Just having some fun

I was washing the sheets on our bed the other day and JD asked to get on the bed to jump. He says, "JD jumping bean!" when he wants to jump on our bed. I decided to take some pictures of him playing on our bed, and as you will see in one of the pictures, he has a mouth FULL of teeth now! For the longest time, he only had 5 teeth, and I was beginning to wonder if he would ever get more. Suddenly, as if overnight, he now has close to a complete set! He is growing up so fast and has the best sense of humor that keeps me laughing all day long.

A few more pics from Christmas...

JD is really enjoying the exercise equipment that JD Sr got for Christmas! Every time we go into the garage, he says, "Exercises...exercises...exercises..." and wants to get on the Ab Lounger to do crunches. He also says, "Strong muscles Daddy!" because I tell him that he will have strong muscles like Daddy when he gets bigger. I wish I got as excited about exercising as he does! :^)

The other two pictures are of him opening his Christmas gift from his Grandaddy. He was SO excited to discover that he got some new Veggie Tales videos. He was also given a Bible and a book of nursery rhymes. He absolutely loves to sit and look at books, and I hope that that's something that he continues to enjoy as he grows older.

He is singing songs now, reciting his ABC's, and says phrases like, "That's so funny!", "That's so sweet!", "That's delicious!", and "Yes, I know it" just to name a few. We can definitely tell that full blown conversation is just around the corner! Hard to believe!