Friday, July 20, 2007


A few weeks ago now, JD's Nana came to stay with us while I recovered from my surgery (for those of you that may not have known, I had to have a cerclage, or stitch placed in my cervix, to prevent preterm labor like we encountered during my pregnancy with JD), and she bought a slip-n-slide for JD while she was here.

I think JD Sr was just as excited about the gift as he couldn't wait to try it out. I watched and took pictures from the deck in my pajamas since I couldn't do much else, and the two of them had a blast!

As you can see from the series of pictures, JD Sr would launch JD down the slip-n-slide at warp speed, and JD would reach the pool at the end in nano-seconds. Sometimes he would travel right through the pool of water and straight into the grass.

Later, JD's good friend Hank came to join in the fun. As if the slip-n-slide wasn't enough entertainment, JD Sr decided to bring out the slide to give the boys an extra boost at the beginning. Well, if THAT wasn't enough, he then requested a bottle of cooking oil to grease the slide! I was sure we were going to find the boys in the neighbors yard as they were sent into orbit covered in vegetable oil! Ha Ha

It was great fun, and a perfect excuse for me to get to come outside for a little while and enjoy some sunshine.

By the way, my surgery was almost a month ago now (I'm a little late in posting updates) and everything is going great! We will find out on August 1st if we're having a boy or a girl, as I will be 18 weeks along by then.


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