Monday, June 18, 2007

We're having another baby! -- Due January 3rd, 2008.

We have WONDERFUL news! We are expecting our second child and could not be more thrilled!! I am currently almost 12 weeks along, and aside from being very fatigued and quite sick since about the 6th week, things have been pretty uneventful. For those of you who may not have known, we became pregnant last summer with twins, but sadly, we lost them during the first trimester. We have been nervous with this pregnancy because of our experience last year, but the baby is growing and developing right on schedule and has a good strong heartbeat, which we've gotten to hear twice already. 176 bpm the first time and 167 bpm the second time. JD jr's heart rate was around 163 bpm, so this one seems to be a little faster than his was. I've heard that a faster heart rate can indicate a baby girl, but who knows if there is any truth to that or not. We will be able to find out what we're having in about 5 more weeks, and we definitely want to know!

The pictures here are of my growing belly (obviously!), the 9 week ultrasound, and the 11 week ultrasound, which includes a 3D image. If you look closely at the 3D image, you can see where the baby has his tiny little hand pulled up to his newly formed mouth. So sweet!

We just wanted to share our news and to ask you all to pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby for us!


Blogger David, Christy, Hannah and Jacob said...

Jackie and JD -

Congratulations!!!! We're so excited for you guys! I'm so sorry about the miscarriage last year - we had no idea. But praise the Lord that He has chosen to bless you once again with another amazing life! We'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy. We're expecting number 2 any day now.....

5:13 PM  

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