Friday, June 15, 2007

Father/Son Road Trip to Georgia - Part 1

JD Sr and jr took their very first trip to Georgia WITHOUT ME! I knew that it would be difficult to see them leave, but it was so much harder than I could have anticipated when they actually pulled out of the driveway. I cried like a baby for about an hour after they left! They were gone for 6 days, but fortunately for 4 of those days, I took my own trip to the beach in NC with 17 other girls from my church. We had a blast, and it really helped me to get through the separation anxiety that I had experienced earlier in the week.

During the first day or so that my two men were in GA, they visited the Cabbage Patch hospital, Babyland General, in Cleveland, GA and spent some time at the lake playing in the sand. JD Sr said that JD jr wasn't too keen on getting in the lake to swim. He must get that from me because I do NOT enjoy swimming in lakes or rivers myself.

I called them several times during the week just to get an update on what they were doing each day, and JD Sr was very good about taking pictures of all of their activities with his cell phone and sending them to my cell phone while I was at the beach.


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