Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Our Little Man...

Here are some recent pictures of JD that I thought were worth sharing. The first set are pictures I took of him falling asleep as he ate dinner the other night. This is the result of a day without a nap! He was absolutely wiped out by evening, and with each bite of food, his eyes grew heavier and heavier until he just had to surrender. Too funny!

The next set of photos are of him standing on his step-stool in front of our bathroom sink brushing his teeth. The boy loves to brush his teeth, and I can't complain about that, I suppose! Notice the jelly all over his face as he turned to show me his freshly scrubbed choppers. He had just finished eating breakfast when he came upstairs to take care of his dental hygiene. Oh, and GUESS WHAT?? He is now sitting on the toilet and trying to *ahem* "tinkle". We've been putting him on the toilet a couple of times a day for about a week now and showing him where to point a certain part of his body, and he's doing great! Last night, I was sitting at the computer, and he came running up to me and said, "Mama, wanna tee-tee in the big boy toilet?" I immediately took him to the bathroom, where he sat proudly and then sad, "All done!" He has not officially done anything except sit on the toilet in the ready position, but hey, it's a HUGE start as far as I'm concerned!

The last two photos are of a completely exhausted JD who had just returned home from the park where he acquired two very skinned knees. We came home, he had a bubble bath to clean his battle wounds (the playground won, by the way), and then he crashed after receiving two medals of honor (a.k.a. smiley face band-aids)! :^)

He's growing up so very fast!


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