Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Jr Yellow Jacket's Very First Game!

We took JD jr to his first official Georgia Tech football game this past weekend, and he had a great time! I was amazed by how well he tolerated all of the noise and crowds and heat and the lack of opportunity to be able to just run around and play, but he was a real trooper throughout the entire game.

He got the chance to meet "Buzz", the mascot, but he was rather frightened by that encounter, as he clung to his Aunt Ju-C (or G-G as he calls her) and would not allow her to put him down as long as that giant yellow jacket was anywhere in sight.

As you can see from the pictures, he was not thrilled about the fuzzy yellow wig we placed on his head while browsing around the Ga Tech bookstore. The picture of him sleeping was actually taken on the way to the game, not afterward, which is when you would think he would have been the most exhausted. Go figure!

JD Sr is already making plans to take him to another game as soon as we're able! He has been planning the "first game" trip since we first found out we were pregnant with JD jr! Ha Ha! No, seriously!


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