Friday, June 27, 2008

JD's first solo visit to Georgia

The first couple of pictures were taken at home in Winston-Salem while JD Sr and I were away on our sailing trip. The rest of the pictures were taken during the week that JD jr spent in Americus, GA at his Nana and Paw-Paw's house. As you can see, he had a blast! He spent the majority of the time swimming and playing with friends that he made once he got there. He didn't miss us even for a second, which made it easier on me to be separated from him. However, he wouldn't let JD Sr and me out of his sight once he returned home. I guess he didn't know how much he had missed us until he saw us again. Although JD Sr and I missed having him at home with us, we were able to spend some wonderful bonding time with Davis that week. We are definitely happy to have him back home with us, but we are thankful for such a wonderful opportunity for him to make warm memories with family.


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